The Secret Garden's Teachings (A Rajah in all of us)

"The Secret Garden"
I finally finished this book. The 1911's Secret Garden, by Frances-Hodgson Burnett, is really about what the title suggests: About Gardening. And it was hard for me to keep my interest awake when it’s spoken about flowers, and birds with such a passion and details.

But in all fairness, the book was't just about gardening; in fact, that is just a “small” part of it. The secret Garden is also about ‘Life’ and how life sucks… and how life is awesome.

"But not really"
The story follows this unpleasant super rich girl (Mistress Mary) who, after her parent’s death in India, was sent to live with her even richer uncle on a “house” with hundreds of un-used rooms in a small village in the UK.

There she met a cripple kid, who wasn’t really a cripple; a mean old man, who wasn’t ‘actually’ mean, a kid who enchanted creatures, but who didn't really enchanted them, and a lot of other people who, even though they were what stereotypically they supposed to be, they weren’t really what they, themselves, thought they were.

Like Mary's maid, who helped her to dress and bath every morning. The maid thought she was stupid because she was poor and illiterate. She was poor and she couldn’t write or read, but she was smart, and she could see beyond the unpleasant "Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary"

She could see what no other person could.

Mary, the little girl, tired of wonder around the house with hundreds of unused rooms, started to wonder in the gardens where she found a locked up garden and with it a heart warming summer story about the cripple kid.

The cripple kid, Colin, teach us that fate depend on us. And the creature enchater, Dickon... teach us that being awesome is not enough, you also need rich friends. Just kidding (But not really)

All together, The Secret Garden was a good read. I loved that is so descriptive and at the same time I found a little annoying the long descriptions of the garden, the winter, the spring, the flowers, the birds, the moor, etc.

But, again, when he, the author, described the emotions I found myself feeling the same things the characters were feeling, and that was awesome.

After reading this book I started noticing that there is a little bit of a 'Rajah' attitude in me, and that realization kind of embarrassed me, until I noticed that it was more noticeable in other people.

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