The cursed Villa Elpecuen, Buenos Aires

Villa Epecuen, Buenos Aires

"It started raining"

Visiting the City of Detroit reminded me to this "Missionary-legend" I heard on my mission.

The story takes place in this small town called Villa Epecuen located in the border of the Argentine province of Buenos Aires and La Pampa, (close to the City of Carhué).

This town was famous because of a beautiful salty lake and the beautiful gardens and castles tha made the provincial life something special.

( Allaire's castles in 1985)

The course
Supposedly, in 1985, some Missionaries were violently arrested, and then kicked out from this small town.

The day after the missionaries were kicked out it started raining, and it never stopped until the entire town was under water.

And this is what is left of that town today (2010).

There are hundreds of weird "Mormon-missionary legends," but this one is my favorite.

( Allaire's castles in 2010)

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