“Amish Country”

Lancaster, Pennsylvania
May 7, 2010

"By the Amish"
I usually don’t like sweets here (in the US) like cakes and candy… but I decided to try something home-made by the Amish… since they are famous for their food.

So we drove by a house that had bakery desserts displayed on the grass. Yes, on their front yard grass. Nobody was there though… just the desserts in the grass, and a little jar where people put money and took what they wanted.

I saw that the price said 3 dollars for a cake looking dessert. So I stood in front of it for a second and looked inside the house to see if there was someone there.

A 40-50 year old guy came out from his front door. He was dirty like if he was working in the farm all day, and he probably was. His teeth were brown; his hair was gray and messy.

He was wearing a black old looking hat that made hard to see his tired blue eyes. His skin looked darken by then sun. He wasn’t wearing shoes. His toes were also dirty and hurt… like if he wasn’t wearing shoes all day long.

I was so excited to talk to him and ask him questions… but Doug told me that asking questions was also inappropriate and offensive for them… so I just paid for my dessert and said thank you.

He said something with broken English. His accent was not familiar to me, it sounded Dutch.

He said then again, that I was paying too much. The dessert was 1 dollar each not 3. So I said… “In that case I want three”


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