Internship (Week Two)

September 20, 2009
Salt Lake City, UT

Tracking video tapes

Working 40 hours a week is something I still have to get used to.

This week my assignment was to be a Producer Assistant. This particular assignment was for a project that needed me to track and find originals tapes used in other productions.

I almost spent the entire week looking for those tapes. It was Friday and I still didn’t find all the tapes. I needed to have all the tapes by noon. My task was to meet the client with all the tapes at 11:55 am. It was about 10:30 and still had some tapes missing!

I went floor by floor asking everyone about them. One would say "I think Mr. Jones used it on this production" and Mr. Jones would say, “Mr. Parker was using it for another production.”

After all the tracking some one finally did have some of the tapes, but it was almost 11 and I still had half of the tapes missing.

I was going to the producer’s office to tell her that I wasn’t going to be able to find all the tapes on time when I saw some tapes standing on a desk. I took a look at them and they were the ones I was looking for!! What a coincidence and luck!

I found them just in time so I ran to meet clients with all the tapes they requested.

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