Lego World: The Movie

Forget sex, it's toys that really sell.

With "G.I. Joe" tearing up the box office last weekend, it's no wonder more toy-inspired blockbusters are in the works.

According to Variety, Warner Bros. studio is working to develop a family comedy movie based on Lego, the popular building block. Set in "Lego World," the movie has been in development for over a year and will mix animation and live action.

The movie's plot will fall into the family comedy adventure rubric, but the studio is also hoping that it will appeal to adults as well as kids. The film is being produced the creators of "Terminator Salvation" and "The Departed."


Despues del exito de GI Joe Hollywood quiere explotar el exito de LEGO

Los creadores de Terminator 4 seran los encargados de darle vida a los famosos jugetes. Tanto Warner Bros. como Lego estan poneniendo mucha atencion a la produccion de esta pelicula proque no solo quieren que entretenga a un public de todas las edades pero tambien mantener la imagen que Lego mantuvo durante generaciones.

Todavia no se anuncio la fecha de estreno. Julio 2011?

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